Two Giveaway books: Latter Day Cipher and her newest nonficion.
Let's jump right into this interview:
Q: Do you mentor beginning writers?
A: I don't do much author mentoring, because I have learned a painful truth: The vast majority of people who say they want to write a book for publication are not willing to submit to 1) the discipline of learning to write well and 2) then going through a frustrating and time-devouring process of personal inactivity (that's code for "waiting and waiting and waiting") to see it through.
Q: How was your first book published?

Not the norm. Did I say, "not the norm"? (I see it as the power of God, operational and irrepressible. And the book has stayed in print, with only one small hiatus, for 30 years.)
Q: How are your books published today?
A: Now, even with over a dozen published books, I submit myself to the process that may have only slightly fewer steps than that for a complete neophyte. For the sake of those of you who wonder what you might reasonably expect (divine intervention excepted, that is), here is an approximate timetable of the process.

Since most Christian publishers today do not accept unsolicited manuscripts, and if you do not win a contest (like the "Audience with an Agent" contest at where I blog with five other published Christian writers) or meet an editor or agent who requests your materials personally at a conference such as Mount Hermon, I will start the process steps with the acquisition of an agent.
Please bear in mind that this is an approximation of the process which any number of factors can greatly lengthen or shorten.
- Author completes a non-fiction proposal (including polished sample chapters) as per the style sheet or instructions on an agent's Web site. This must be as perfect as he can make it because rarely does an agent ask for a rewritten proposal. At this point a very wise (and relatively inexpensive) strategy could be to pay a publishing industry professional to read and evaluate your proposal before sending it. (Our own Sharon K. Souza offers such a service which I highly recommend.)
- Author seeks that agent with the completed proposal. If submitting to multiple agents, the author carefully fulfills each agent's specific guidelines that may include parameters such as word count, line length, and manner of submission; and indicates in the cover letter that the author is pursuing multiple agents.
- Agent typically takes several weeks/months to respond to proposal. Many proposals which have not followed guidelines, are inappropriate for the agent's profile, are unremarkable, or are poorly written are never seen by the agent. An assistant weeds them out and rejects them.
- If the agent likes the proposal, the agent will typically research the author’s Web presence, confirm any claims the author has made about himself if possible, and use any other resources the agent has (including talking to other agents.) If agent likes what he sees, he signs an agent's contract with author. Author may want to have a lawyer look at this contract. (An author should never sign with an agent who also offers editorial services for hire, or who works with a vanity publisher.)
- Agent will correspond with author for additional information such as specific marketing plans, then tweak proposal. Agent then asks editors if they want to see the proposal (this action is called a pitch.) Sometimes an agent will not pitch to editors with individual projects, but will wait until making appointments with editors at an industry event like ICRS (the Christian book industry's annual conference), where the agent will maximize the editors' time with one-on-one sessions in which the agent tells the editor of multiple authors' projects appropriate for that publishing company. Therefore, a pitch can be inactive for several months before such a conference.
- At a conference or other face-to-face meeting, an editor will usually tell the agent which ideas are appealing and she would like to pursue by seeing a proposal. If the pitch was via email or phone conversation, the editor expresses interest, sometimes quite a while after the conversation.
- The agent sends the proposal to the editor. If the agent has pitched multiple projects to multiple editors, this may take a week or more as the agent returns home and tries to catch up on emails, etc.
- If editor wants to pursue the proposal he/she received, he/she takes the proposal to a publishing committee. These meet sometimes only two to four times a year, some more often. Sometimes a publishing house has more than one committee to evaluate a book.
- Marketing people do analyses, publishing committee members all read proposal.
- If the publishing committee(s) decides to publish the book, the publisher sends a book contract to the agent.
- Agent negotiates the publisher's contract. (This sometimes takes quite a while because of such things as electronic rights, royalty rates, and delineation of publisher’s commitment to marketing.)
- Agent sends final publisher's contract to author.
- Author reads carefully and then signs contract -- and only then can author correspond directly with the editor who is assigned to work on the book (sometimes not the acquisitions editor who first asked for the proposal or book.)
- The author completes or rewrites the contracted book as per company guidelines. The contract specifies a deadline, and since many processes (such as catalogue listings) depend on this deadline, the author must never miss the deadline. Often first-time writers have to do extensive line edits or revisions after submitting what the author considered to be the "final" manuscript. (Here, too, is where a publishing professional’s evaluation and pre-editing can help. Some of us Novel Matters writers use such professionals to tweak our manuscripts before submission, even though we are experienced writers.) The writing/rewriting process can take months to complete -- or longer.
- Editor approves the final draft of the book. Author may or may not be included in such decisions as cover art, though an agent usually insists on this.
- Author looks at page proofs to catch last-minute errors.
- Usually several months, sometimes much more time--even over a year-- transpires before the book appears in print. Some books are not scheduled for release for years or more after the contract is signed because of full publication rosters. Other projects get “bumped” by higher-profile books with time-sensitive subject matter.
Sometimes the process has "extra" steps. For instance, since my first book, The Mormon Mirage, was controversial and I was relatively unknown, the publisher sent my proposal (and then later the entire manuscript) to an expert in Mormonism to read. This evaluation (completely separate from the selection and editing processes) held up the publication for several months.
Thank you, Latayne, for the information!
Latayne, I found your comments fascinating. I will never hold a book without remember the journey the author has gone through. This adds a how level of respect. Congratulations on determination and self-control. You deserve your success.
I am very interested in what this author has to say. I will look for the book.
This was a great post! Thanks Latayne. :) I have been wanting to read Latter Day Cipher since I first heard about it when I hosted Latayne on OEA. Thanks for the chance to win both here!
Latayne, you definately tell it like it is. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "We need the power to write, but that is only the beginning. We also need the resilience to rebound from our setbacks, the willingness to finish what we start, and the strength to hold our for performance over intention." Or, to use Leo Rosten's words, "The only reason for being a professional writer is that you just can't help it."
Love your advice for aspiring writers. "Make sure you have something to say, and you have the talent to write it."
Love it. Doesn't get any easier than that.
I would absolutely love to read both of Latayne's books. I live in the Phoenix area where there is a high Mormon population. This topic fascinates me.
Thank you, Patti. I, too, look differently at books when I realize how much time and effort went into each one. The thing that astounds me is how books ever got published and edited when they were handwritten. Now, that's a process!
Pat, Casey, Kathryn, Teresa, and Ann, I appreciate so much your responses. It's true that my books continue to sell because of the need for books that help people understand Mormonism. Just like a child doesn't have to touch a hot stove to learn not to do it, similarly people want to know about Mormonism without getting "burned" as well. So I'm happy to write about it.
It's also true that people want to know what to expect in the process of marketing a book. Sometimes things can go through a shortcut process, but that's increasingly rare.
Blessings to you all!
Sounds like interesting books..
You are an example of dedication to your "trade".
My husband and I have been discussing Mormonism recently - these books sound like great resources to help us understand more! deborahjoy[at]gmail[dot]com
Hello. I'm very interested in read this book. Congratulations for your blog.
letrassantas at hotmail dot com
lgm52, Hooked by Joy, and Naasom, I am grateful for your interest in the subject matter. I pray my writings can be a blessing to you.
I find this subject very interesting. I have a cousin who works for a publisher who put out a bimonthly periodical about Mormonism and getting out.
I would like to win your book, Mormon Mirage! I have read Latter Day Cipher, which was very good, and I'd like to find out even more about Mormonism. A friend of mine has a relative who is a Mormon, so maybe I could also pass it along to him.
Just received my copy of Latter-Day Cipher! Can't wait to read it - thank you so much. Looking forward to more reviews and interviews!
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