A Very Warm Welcome Back to my Friend, Penny Zellar!
Penny's offering to give her latest release to someone who leaves his/her email address and comment!
Tell us about your latest release. The cover looks fantastic!
Thank you, Carole. It is an honor to be a guest on your blog. I am thrilled about the release of Kaydie, the second book in my Montana Skies Series.
Here is a short blurb:
Haunted by her painful marriage, Kaydie Worthington Kraemer is determined never to fall in love again, and it will take the grace of God to change her mind—the same grace that works in the heart of ranch hand Jonah Dickenson, a confirmed bachelor who has unhealed wounds of his own to overcome.
What was the hardest part to write?
I would have to say that the hardest part to write was the ending. I didn’t want it to be over!
We all have choices of items that help us write. What’s yours? Can you give the readers a glimpse into your writing space?
I am fortunate to have a nice-sized office. I have a desk that is lined with my children’s photos and artwork. I also have an exercise bike for when I need a break and a cozy fireplace for when I sit and have my quiet time with the Lord.
However, we won’t talk about the closet, which is lined with shelves and filing cabinets full of a lot of paperwork that needs a good going-through!
If you had to choose one person to go with you for encouragement to a secluded cabin, who would that be?
I would pick my husband, Lon, and my two daughters.
What are you working on now?
I just finished the third book in the series, Hailee, which is scheduled for release in September. I'm also working on a second historical romance series that takes place in the Post-Civil War Era. I recently finished book one in the series and have started writing book two.
Every day before I write, I re-devote my writing to the Lord and ask that He would guide me in typing each and every word so that, as a completed book, it would glorify and honor Him.
What is one of the happiest moments of your life or an accomplishment that you’re especially proud of?
The happiest moments in my life were marrying my husband, Lon, and, years later, the births of my children.
A more recent event, for which I am praising God, is the spiritual growth of my children. I pray daily that they continue on this course and grow to be Godly women, which is such a challenge in today’s world. (I am terrified of the teen years, LOL!) Every time I hear my ten-year-old daughter sing in church or hear my youngest daughter talk of her ministry, I am humbled how God uses us, no matter what our age, or our stage, in life.
How do you choose names for your characters? Do you do a lot of research on them?
I pick what I feel are masculine names for my male characters, and I especially like Bible names. For female characters, I pick names that I really like that I might have named my children, had I had a dozen more daughters. Smile. This is a bit funny, but when I choose lead female names, I always like to make sure they mesh well with the lead male character’s name and that it is a good combination with the male character’s last name, just in case they get married and live happily ever after. *grins*
Can you tell us some of your favorite books or characters that you cherish?
As a child, I was a little bookworm and loved reading Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew. I still have some of those books and my girls are reading them now, which is exciting to see. As an adult, my favorite book is the Bible, and is the one book I wouldn’t want to be without. I also have a sizeable collection of Christian fiction from some of my favorite authors and also some devotional books and Bible studies.
Any fun things about yourself that the readers might enjoy knowing?
When I was a teenager, I performed on stage in several lip sync contests, most of the time at the local mall. Those days were such fun days and often included my sister, brother, and cousins as part of the act.
Just this week, I dug out the old videotape (Videotape?! Yikes, I’m dating myself here!) and played it for my daughters. My youngest, who is eight, told me, “Mom, you had such a pretty voice. You sounded like a real singer!” I laughed at her comment because for one, I can’t carry a tune, and for two, it was the real singer signing and I was only lip syncing!
Is there one piece of advice that’s been especially valuable to you?
I am a Beth Moore fan and have led several women’s Bible studies using her materials. I recall one time she mentioned that “No amount of success in ministry will make up for failure at home.” What a wonderful and valuable piece of advice!
Please share information where readers can check out and buy your books:
Kaydie is available everywhere books are sold, including Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/Kaydie-Montana-Skies-Penny-Zeller/dp/1603742174/ref=pd_sim_b_1
Also, Cindy Sproles produced a fantastic book trailer for Kaydie, which can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwihs6rsqDk
Where can fans find you on the internet?
I love to connect with my readers at my website www.pennyzeller.com,
my blog http://www.pennyzeller.wordpress.com/
on Twitter at http://twitter.com/pennyzeller
on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Penny-A-Zeller/96391560959?ref=ts
Thank you again, Carole, for allowing me to be your guest. I appreciate your encouragement and support of fellow writers!
And, thank you, Penny, for visiting. I've loved having you!
Don't forget your comments, readers, for a chance to win Penny's latest book!
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
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As a fellow writer, I can identify with many of your "quirks." Your books sound fascinating.
I'm the author of the best-selling Keystone Stables series from Zonderkidz. I just joined Hartline with a Mennonite fiction series idea. Diana Flegal and I have the wheels turning.
Visit me at several different blogs and my website:
website: http://www.marshahubler.com
Thanks Carole for hosting this great interview!
Those books sound great I've heard so many good things about Penny Zeller's books!
Please enter me
crazi.swans at gmail dot com
You gals are entered in Penny's giveaway PLUS my big month-long giveaway of 20 plus books. Thanks!
I've read Penny's book Kaydee, so please don't include me in the giveaway. Just wanted to say the book is awesome. Just a wonderful story. I love the characters and their personality. I just like it all!
Hello Marsha~
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment! It's always great to meet another author. My oldest daughter LOVES (did I mention LOVES) your Keystone Stables series. :)
May the Lord bless you in your writing endeavors.
In Christ,
Hello Faye~
Wow! Thanks for your sweet compliment about my books. That made my day :)
Have a wonderful rest of your week.
Hi Carole~
Thank you SOOOOOO much for allowing me to again be your guest. You are such an encouragement and a wonderful friend! I always enjoy so much being on your blog. (Is it ok to have favorites? LOL).
Hugs & Blessings,
I enjoyed McKenzie and expect more good things from Kaytee. Thanks for entering me in the drawing.
twinwillowsfarm at gmail dot com
Great interview. This book looks so good and one that I have been wanting to read. Please enter me.
Choosing character names can be hard, but when they fit, you know it. Thanks, Penny, for sharing how you do it.
Thank you both for this terrific interview. I would love to win Penny's book!
I also love that Beth Moore quote. Why bother winning the world if your own kids don't recognize Jesus?
What? You are giving away 20 books? Oh my! Please enter my name in that one, too. And thank you for your generosity, Carole! Wow.
Hi Jo~
It is great to see you here. I am so appreciative of your kind words about my book.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Hello Pegg~
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed McKenzie and I thank you for sharing that! Authors rely so much on the kindess of readers - so thank you.
Happy Friday, Joy~
You are such a sweetheart! Thank you for all of your kind words about Kaydie. It means a lot to me :) To God be the glory!
Hi Kathryn~
Thank you for stopping by Carole's blog. I so agree with you about character names. It really is interesting that some names truly do fit and others don't!
My young daughters have started to write down name suggestions they like for characters. This has been a huge help in matching the right character with the right name too!
Hi Jeannette~
That is so true about what both you and Beth Moore said. Sucha good reminder!
Thank you for stopping by. Have a blessed weekend.
I love romance stories with HEA. Looking forward to reading Kaydee which is on my wish list. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us Penny.
Thanks for this opportunity to enter both giveaways Carole. Enjoy reading your blog posts.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Good Morning, MissKallie~
I always appreciate that your comments are so encouraging. That means a lot to both the blogger and the author!
I agree with you about Carole's blog - I enoy reading it too!
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