Friday, September 21, 2018

Rambling Friday: Mistakes and Confessions

Who has never made a mistake?

I didn't see any hands go up, and if you did raise yours, I sincerely doubt you were being truthful. I couldn't raise mine, because, I'm afraid, I've made plenty of those things in my time. Oh, you wanna know what some of mine are, do you? Hmm.

Okay, here goes, but be sure to add at least one of yours in the comments! :)

  1. Fretting over things that may happen before they do. Oh, yeah, I'm one of those. Especially lately, though, God has been talking to me. Reminding me that usually those things I've imagined, don't happen. That a certain thing I'm praying about (and thinking 'this will never come to pass' may be happening right now, and here I am complaining. Again. Or: Trust me; it will all work out. 
  2. Judging. Oh-h-h, that's a mean one. But yep, sometimes, I will decide that it's why a certain unpleasant thing happened to so-and-so. Or that person has a problem (with me or someone else or God or whoever), and find out later that's not the case at all. They were busy, preoccupied, worried, sick, etc. I need to remember I've not walked in their shoes. Ever. Be kind!
  3. Being lazy. There are days when I don't FEEL like writing or cleaning or talking or anything else. That's understandable in a few ways, but if it gets to be a habit--then look out. Pretty soon the evening arrives, the weekend arrives, the year ends, and I have to ask myself, what have I done. Don't! Take steps to keep my enthusiasm up, to keep my determination intact, and my reason alive that to move forward, I must follow through on what I need to do. Do it!
  4. Impatient. Sigh. This is a hard one. I try to rein it in, to be patient for God's plan, for our plans, or life...but sometimes I don't succeed. I know what I like when decorating, what songs I like to sing, what food I enjoy the most, etc. To have to take the second choice doesn't set easily with me. I'm not saying I'm selfish. I'll wait on others at meals, happily making sure family and friends have what they need. I like giving gifts and encouragement to others. I want others to be happy and strive for that. But my own impatience is a sore test to me. 
By myself, I am a failure. I know that. God knows that.

God says:
1.  Do not be anxious for nothing.
but in everything with prayer and supplication
let your requests be known unto God.
And the peace of God which passes understanding
will keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4: 6 & 7

2.  Judge not, that you be not judged.
For how you judge another, so you will be judged.
Why do you see a splinter in your brother's eye 
when you have a beam in your own eye?
Matthew 7: 1 & 2

3.  And whatever you do, do it heartily unto the Lord.
Colossians 3: 23

4.  Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart. 
Psalm 27:14

Good admonition? You bet! God always has the answers, and that's why I'm continuing to learn that turning to God for the answers I need in my own life is right there, waiting for me to claim the promises, the instruction and the rebukes that I need. 

How about you?


Sherry Carter said...

Oh, dear, we really don't want to get into mistakes, do we? My problem is stubbornness - impatience with a bad attitude. I'm often impatient with everyone and I generally think I'm right so I don't change my mind easily. I could write a 3 volume treatise on all the times I've gone off on my own. God waits patiently until I cry, "Help me!" After it's all over, we talk about why that happened and I promise I'll be better...

Then I found 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as idolatry. OUCH. Now, when I slip into impatience and stubbornness, I think of this and immediately ask God to change my heart. It's a longterm WIP!

Caroline said...

Sigh. You're so right. It's so hard to be amenable when I KNOW I'm right. But God's word demands it, and we must follow through. Thanks for commenting, Sherry. I always enjoy your comments!

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