Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Serious Wednesdays: When To Take a Break

I just read/saw on Instagram a little meme. 

On it was a small figure lying on a bed, and it said, 
"Sometimes all I want to do is take a break for three years."

Well, I might not always need three years,
but three months or even three days looks good to me at times.

Last fall, I was struggling to finish the third book
in my Denton and Alex Davies mystery series,
and I was getting nowhere.

Plateau'd out.
Inspiration gone.
Stressed out from worrying about it.

I finally threw up my hands (figuratively)
and declared I would pick it up after the first of the year.

What did I need?
A break!

When to take a break:
1.  When you're too busy. When life hands you a busy session, remember we're human. Do what you can, take care of the necessary, most important or what can not be ignored issues first. Then take a deep breath (or two or three) and pick up again your writing. 

2.  When you're too tired. Sometimes we do too much either by taking on too many duties, being imposed upon by others and giving in to the demands for help or by loading our lives with things we feel must be done by us. 
Stop! We don't have to do everything. Stop! We don't always have to say "yes."
Stop! Remember we're only human, and eventually, our bodies will rebel in one way or the other. When you need a break, take it. Your body will thank you.

3.  When the inspiration is gone. This can come from many things: busyness, pressure, too much in too little time, not enough rest, expectations that aren't what you want, etc.
It's time to evaluate what happened to your inspiration.
Step away for a while (you decide reliably how long it should be). 
Rest your body, your spirit, and your mind. 
Do something that will take your mind off your work. 
You'll KNOW when it's time to approach it again. 

These are just three items that demand from us a break at times in our lives.

When we need a break, don't put it off. 
As I said earlier, our body and mind and soul will thank us!

When is it important, to you, to take a break?
How do you do that?

RESTFUL Times wished for you today!


Sherry Carter said...

It's important to know when we need a break and to not feel guilty about it!

My reason for needing a break was that my relationship with God was not as deep as it needed to be. Over the past few months, I've been dry and unable to write. Just before leaving for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference, I realized I was spiritually dry. I took DiAnn Mills' class, The Spiritual Life of a Writer, and my spirit was watered and fed. Praise God, I came home energized and ready to write again!

Caroline said...

Wonderful! An excellent reason to "take a break!"

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