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Tina, I'm thrilled to have you visit us again. Tell us about your latest release. The cover looks fantastic!
The cover, a picture of a wood smith carving a rose is very important to the story line and the lead character Samantha Northam. She was abused and now believes she isn't worthy of God's love. She believes she has to serve God as best she can to find some favor. Through the hands of a carpenter she learns the truth of love and just how beautiful she is to Christ.
What was the hardest part to write?
Probably some of the introspective scenes where Samantha deals with what she believes to be her fallacies. And her hurt to think that she'll never be worthy of God's mercy or Love because she was damaged.
We all have choices of items that help us write. What’s yours? Can you give the readers a glimpse into your writing space? What’s your favorite writing reference tool?
My writer's space used to be an office and a desk. But for now, it's pretty much wherever I can find a place. I have a flip dictionary, a thesaurus and a crossword puzzle dictionary. I have the Chicago manual of style, which I could probably use more, and an EB Strunk and White booklet. I have used the Writer's Market as well. When I write I probably use paper and pencil more than my laptop.
If you had to choose one person to go with you for encouragement to a secluded cabin, who would that be?
I'd have to say my husband, Danny. He may not always read everything I write, but he's been an encouragement to me.
What are you working on now?
Working on the second in my clone series. Regarding Rhiannon. And cleaning up the first in the series to pitch, Counting Tessa. Also working on a short for an Anthology, Her Secret Garden. Plus, toying with a story about life and heaven through the eyes of a Demon. And of course, I'm constantly trying to edit other stories. Quite honestly, I feel like I'm all over the place and sometimes nowhere.
What is one of the happiest moments of your life or an accomplishment that you’re especially proud of?
The marriage and births of my children and grandchildren will always be stellar points in my life. But other moments that remain strong in my heart and mind are the moments when I lose myself and God uses me to accomplish something wonderful for him.
How do you choose names for your characters? Do you do a lot of research on them?
I use baby books for names, plus obituaries and if I hear a name I like I use it too. Sometimes I even check out whether or not it fits for the time I'm writing in. As far researching a character goes… I've done character interviews, but not as in depth as I've seen some people do them.
Can you tell us some of your favorite books or characters that you cherish?
I have varying tastes in books, as long as it piques my interest. I like Koontz, Saul, Dekker. I like the classic sometimes. I like to read suspense, introspective dramas, historical, romance and comedy. I used to read Nancy Drew voraciously as a kid. I wanted to be a detective. I suppose what I read might depend on the day and the mood I'm in. One of my favorite all time books is from the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E. L. Konigsburg. It's about two kids, brother and sister, Claudia and Jamie who run away from home and live in the Metropolitan Museum. I always thought and still do, how interesting that would be to live in a museum, sleep in historical beds, bath in the fountain, and hide out from the security guards.
Any fun things about yourself that the readers might enjoy knowing?

To be the writer God created me to be. I need to use the imagination, mind and writer's insight and heart he blessed me with. I can learn from others, but trying to be them, distracts from the path God has for me.
Please share information where readers can check out and buy your books:
My website -- http://www.tinapinson.com/
Twitter:@Tina_Pinson Facebook-- http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=754617103
Purchase my books at:
Desert Breeze Bookstore.
Touched By Mercy http://tiny.cc/0rgkm
In the Manor of the Ghost http://tiny.cc/we4ul
Touched By Mercy http://tiny.cc/k5tgw
In the Manor of the Ghost http://tiny.cc/doc8w
Barnes & Noble
Touched By Mercy http://tiny.cc/0az47
In the Manor of the Ghost http://tiny.cc/oh767
Christian Books Distributors
Touched By Mercy http://tiny.cc/ffjmn
In the Manor of the Ghost http://tiny.cc/4u5h9
Thanks so much for visiting, Tina!
Readers, your comments and email addresses will put you in the running for her book!
Hi, Tina and Caroline. I think you've hit on a topic with which most Christians have a problem--feeling worthy of God's love. For some reason, it seems hard to believe someone can love us just because they love us! It's good to see someone dealing with this. Maybe with Samantha, we can all learn this truth. Thanks!
TINA--I wanted to take the time to read your interview to learn more about you and your life. You are very articulate--and you used "piqued" correctly!when no one else does--and your answers show your good writing styel. I, too, have Strunk and White's Elements of Style. Very clever little book full of good information.
Congratulations on all your books and success, and I wish you well--blessings--Celia
Congratulations on winning the Grace award, Tina. This sounds like an awesome book, and I hope to get my hands on it real soon. Blessings on the continued work of your hands. Great theme.
Tina, as you know, I enjoyed Touched By Mercy very much. Sound like you have lots of projects in the works.
Best wishes!
Agh... I think it ate my comment. Let me try again. (Sorry if this is posted twice.)
I loved Touched By Mercy. Yeah, it looks like you have lots of projects in the works. :)
Best wishes & happy writing~
Sylvia and Celia,
Thanks so much for stopping by. I hope the story of Samantha, which stems from aspects of my life, will draw people to see and know how much they are loved and how beautiful they are in spite of their scars.
Hi Tina,
I love the concept, the book cover, and this book sounds like one I'd enjoy. I love the carpenter story idea, and I do think many people do have a problem with feeling worthy. Blessings, BJ
Hi Tina,
I love the concept, the book cover, and the carpenter story and feel this book is one I'd enjoy reading. Blessings, BJ
My husband, who is not a writer, couldn't understand it when I read "The Elements of Style" from front to back like a novel. But it's a good read as well as a good resource. A must for every writer's bookshelf, as you obvously know.
It sounds like a beautiful allegory.
I liked hearing about Tina's life.
hi caroline and tina,
a wonderful posting...thanks for the chance to read your latest novel :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Enjoyed the interview. Books sound great. Carmen sent me.
true_sheila at yahoo dot com
Love the storylines, a super chance to win these books.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
Sounds like an interesting book. Please enter me.
seem like good books I'd love to win thanks.
ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com
This book just sounds wonderful. Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
Have a great day,
Trinity Rose
wandaelaine at gmail dot com
Something I think many of us can relate to... feeling unworthy of God's love. It sounds like a wonderful story and I'd love to read it. Thanks for the chance!
Mary Ann :)
smdiloreto at yahoo dot com
An author I haven't yet discovered. Would love the opportunity to win her books. I'm an avid reader and always looking for new ones. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Carrie A. Larks
Carman sent me.Enter me!
niastrong21 at gmail dot com
Afternoon! Please enter me for this wonderful drawing! God Bless!
Looks good! I'd love to win the giveaway!
iwant2save26 at gmail dot com
I would love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
thank you for the chance!
junegirl26 at hotmail dot com
I have seen these books around alot and hear only good things about them. Please count me in! I'd love the opprotunity to read them and dive into their adventures!
~ Katy
I just realized this giveaway is over. :-( So sorry! Please disregard my previous comment! :-)
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