Thursday, January 05, 2012

No, I Haven't Forgotten . . .

About my blog.
I burned out.

Sometime late summer or fall, it began. Too much to do, not enough time to get it done. I pushed on anyway. Something had to give.

Now, after a few months, I feel revigorated. Inspired to move on. Ideas coming for those novels I'm working on. Ideas for my blog. Challenged to work and dream and plan again.

So though I've neglected you and my blog, I haven't forgotten.

Here are a few things I've planned for my blog this year:

  1. Added to miscellaneous Friday (guest posts and fun stories) is the ABC blog posts I'll be posting once or twice a month. Check out Friday's post for more info.
  2. I'm keeping the Wednesday's interviews, but also adding reviews that day and some surprise posts for my readers. Check out next Wednesday's with Elizabeth Camden and a giveaway of her book, The Rose of Winslow Street and the following week, an interview with Lisa Lickel who's giving away a $10 certificate from Amazon.
  3. Of course, I'm keeping Sunday morning peaceful posts and Monday morning gratitudes. So many of you have written how you appreciate and enjoy them.
  4. In addition I'll be adding a twice yearly contest w/a NICE prize for the person who posts the most throughout the time period. More about this soon.
Thanks for being one of my readers, for being so faithful, and just for being there. Needing your support this year, looking forward to your participation, and hoping for your prayers.


1 comment:

Faith said...

We can totally understand how busy life can get! I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and look forward to reading more on your blog in the future :)

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