Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Important and Not so Important Tidbits

New Beginnings!

What's going on?
Here are some thoughts I have about pepping up my blog:

* Readers Views -- where I invite readers 
(one a month, unless, of course, 
they grow outrageously popular!!) 
where readers can share positive thoughts about 
what it means to be a reader, 
and other fun and important things.

* Pepping up a few contests and Giveaways 
this year. 
After all, who doesn't love prizes?

* News, news and more news. 
About what? 
Where I'm at in my writing, 
opportunities for YOU!, 
whose blogs I'm visiting. 
Pre-knowledge of contests and books before the general public.

* And more meaningful, serious and not-so-serious posts 

Other stuff? Maybe. 

I hope to begin my newsletter.
I hope to participate more on other's sites
I hope to encourage and help out on writing groups.

Can I do all of it?
We'll see. 
I'll keep you updated...


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