Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Serious Wednesday: Let's Get to writing!

There are thousands of thoughts lying within a man
that he does not know till he takes up the pen and writes. 
~William Makepeace Thackeray
And how to get them down on paper unless you pick up that pen
(click on those computer keys!)
and start.
That's it.
Just start.
You may get one
maybe two
or ten
great sentences.
Could be you might even get down a super terrific chapter.
But how will you know WHAT you can do,
how will you know what's bottled up inside your brain
unless you . . .
pick up that pen,
click on those keys--
begin writing!
Who knows what's waiting in your brain?
Maybe the next great classical book.
A bestseller.
Or a book that will touch one--or a hundred--hearts.
Let's get to writing.
Passionate writing!

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