Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Serious Wednesdays: When You're Stuck in the Mud

Have you ever had your vehicle stuck in the mud?

We have, and it's not a pleasant thing. Spinning tires, flying mud, frustration rampant. Definitely not a fun event any way you spin it.

That's kinda what it's like being a writer, especially when you've lost your inspiration. I've had that experience a time or two, and, to repeat the above phrase: it's not a fun event.

I know there are seasons in our lives where writing is nearly impossible. Health. Death of a loved one. Moving. A serious issue that suddenly appears. Busyness.

So I've learned a few things these past few years of writing.

When I'm lacking in that inspiration and excitement to keep writing, when I can't find the next words, the next paragraph or even the next chapter, then I know it's time to spend some time with writing buddies.

Laughing, talking, plotting, brainstorming together stirs my creative juices. By the time I head for home, I have ideas and an enthusiasm that has me skipping over mud puddles and dancing in the rain of discouragement.

For now, at least, I've plowed through those mud puddles and left them behind...

Till next time, but we won't dwell on that for now.

Happy writing!

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