Friday, February 14, 2020

Rambling Friday: And That's Enough

God is love, 
and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, 
and God in him.
I John 4:16b

I'm always looking for ways to show my love to my family and friends.
It not only gives them happiness and joy (I hope),
but it also gives me satisfaction and peace
to know I've again shown I love them.

recently I saw this picture:

and decided immediately to do this for my youngest grandson's
class for Valentine's Day.

I wanted to make sure it would be okay with him (Jonathan).
I sent him the picture and asked if he'd like me to make these for his class.

He faced timed with me and emphatically declared,
I said, but what if some didn't like applesauce?
No, he assured me, everyone in his class liked applesauce.

Now, whether he really knows or not,
his enthusiasm gave me the answer.

This week I'm gathering the materials for this simple project 
and plan on delivering the Valentine Applesauce cuties
to him when its time.

How I love that boy!

But even more so, 
how God loves me.
A fumbling, mistake-making,
sometimes selfish, sometimes hesitant
sometimes asking forgiveness
person I am,
God loves me.

And that's

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