Thursday, January 25, 2007


No, not me. (Do you hear wailing here?)

It's friend Charlie. His new book (The Spirit From the West) from Tate Publishing will be available soon. Go to Tate and type in his name for a look at the cover. Beautiful!

Now, I don't know what kind of writer Charlie is. He may be horrid, but then again he may be great. Someone said he's a little like Jannette Oke. That sounds inspiring. BUT he's a fellow-writer and I'm supporting him. Will be ordering my copy soon. Hope you all take a chance on this new writer and do the same. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

And all that takes me back to my writing. Don't any of you dare sigh! I mean it. How's my writing coming along? Here's what's happening:

1) Submitted my suspense to two publishers. Have several more I hope to submit to.

2) Submitted my romance to one publisher so far. Will probably submit it to others.

3) Checking out a few more publishing houses.

4) Preparing a proposal for an agent.

5) Checking out some other agents.

6) Sent a query to an agent who requested a certain type of writing from a publishing house.

7) Sent in chapters to a contest.

8) Planning my second book in my suspense series. (It has to be at least 90,000 words, so I'm trying to get others done first before I actually do much work on this one.)

9) Working and should have finished & hopefully critiqued my second in the romance series, by end of March. Will immediately begin the third book in this series and try to complete it by summer. (Three friends' stories in separate books, and their romances)

10) Planning and hope to begin soon a cozy (soft mystery) I've been invited to submit to a publishing house this coming spring.

11) Checking on publishing my children's series.

12) Toning up the works I've completed.

Enough? Did I say I needed prayer? Love this crazy life. How else could a person (writer) get through it?

Brighten up a room with these cheap easy hints

Look for different accessories (such as small tables, items that catch your attention or interest, lamps, frames, books, etc.) at garage sales, auctions, etc. Keep in mind what you might be looking for so that you won't come home with a lot of clutter you don't have a place for.

Dress up a lamp with a new shade. Try different colors or textures.

Spice up the room with pillows. Try new colors or textures. Use plenty of them. Or tie, stitch, or pin with elaborate pins--tea towels, material, or fabric around a faded pillow.

Use tea towels, pillow cases, any kind of material that catches your attention as cafe curtains in your kitchen. Use a bamboo rod, or whatever. Add colorful rings.

Place a worn frame over some favorite memento: glasses, card, souvenir, whatever. Makes a great three-dimensional effect. Looks ancient and stunning!

Or want something really cool? Hang a frame within a frame within a frame. Cool! Everyone will wonder what's so special about that!

I cannot count the number of times I have been strengthened by an heartfelt hug, appreciative note, surprise gift, or caring questions . . . my friends are an oasis to me, encouraging me to go on. They are essential to my well-being. --Dee Brestin


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