Friday, November 30, 2007


Surface magnetic field of SU Aur (a young star of T Tauri type), reconstructed by means of Zeeman-Doppler imaging

I just signed with a literary agent!
Yep, it's true. She is well known and respected in the writing business and the publishing houses recognize her as a good agent.

I'm thrilled!

What does this mean to me?

  1. Well, first and foremost, I have someone in my corner who likes my writing and thinks its worthy of being published.
  2. Secondly, she can get into houses that I can't approach yet. Explanation: Publishing houses have literally thousands of submissions a year. What goes in the slush piles and what gets read? That depends on whether you have an "in" or not.
And the "in?" Publishing houses won't toss your proposal in the trash, because they allow submissions from writers who have agents. Do you know how many that is? ALMOST all of them. Their second condition is you can submit IF you've been invited by an editor (say, at a writing conference, etc.). Some writers get invited; some don't.

So far, all those I've approached have said yes. But how many can one person approach at a conference? Three, five, ten? My agent can approach ALL of them. Because she's an agent, and she believes in me.

Now, saying all that: will this get me pubbed?

Maybe. There's a good possibility. Else why would she take me on as a client? But it's not a sure thing. I won't hold my breath that long (it still may take months . . . years? (Yuk) )

I have one friend who's agent dropped her after a year of subbing her manuscript. Why? That's her agency's policy. It upset me, for my friend. I didn't like it. But that's the way it goes. So far, my friend's not pubbed.

The nitty, gritty?

  • You've got to be a great writer.
  • Your writing has to catch an editor's attention.
  • Your writing has got to catch the right editor's attention.
  • Your manuscript has to make it pass the editor, pass two boards, and you've got to sign a contract.
Will I make it? I hope so, I'm dreaming of it, working for it, praying about it.

And, oh, yes, THANK YOU, to all you dear ones who've stood by me, encouraged me in this journey, and prayed for me. You've valuable to me!

Drum carried by John Unger, Company B, 40th Regiment New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry Mozart Regiment, December 20, 1863

TWO different people either emailed, called me, commented on this blog, or told me in person ALL SEVEN CORRECT answers. So I decided they would both win.

The winners of my November (Thanksgiving) contest are (notice the plural verb, please) . . .


Their gift? A $10 gift certificate, plus a tiny surprise with it!

Now, on to more exciting news.

Next week (Friday) I'm beginning a series of interviews with several different writer friends. Before, after, during that week, everyone--anyone--who comments on this blog, emails me, calls me on the phone, talks to me in person, will get a chance at winning one book written by that author.

And . . .
Not only that, but if you can get someone else to comment (etc. etc.) they will get a chance at winning that book, too, PLUS, if they let me know you ask them to comment, I'll put your name in the bag again! So the more people you get to comment (etc.) (make sure they tell me you ask them to) the more chances you have to win that free book.

And let me tell you, I've got some good writers lined up! Who wouldn't want a free christian fiction book?

Next week's interviewee? Molly Noble Bull.
This is Molly on the day she was married several years ago. "It's not about Molly, her writing is about the Lord." These words appear on her web page and show how much she credits God with her writing abilities and success.

I will give away one free book from every writer I interview during December!!!

Is that clear? If you have any questions, let me know!!

Why am I doing this?
  • Well, I want you to visit my blog.
  • I want you to tell others about me and my writing, so that once I'm pubbed they will rush out to buy my books!! Laugh.


Christmas gift suggestions:

To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
--Oren Arnold

On top of the world blessings!

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