Wednesday, August 17, 2016

On Passionate Writing: Belief

Great Things are Accomplished 
by Talented People
Who Believe 
They Will Accomplish Them.
-- Warren Bennis

What are great things?
Things that others think are superior?
Things that rulers consider extraordinary?
Things that WE think are so?

Who are the talented people?
Famous singers? Actors? 
Professional business people?
Skillful doctors? Lawyers? 

What is belief?
Knowledge that we can?
Believing that something can and will happen?
Working to make that something come true?

Great things are things that God and we, as individuals,
want to see come to pass.

Talented people are those who hang in there,
who don't give up,
who make it through oppositions,
over obstacles,
through brick walls,
who tunnel under, if necessary,
to make a way.
These people persevere,
have strength,
know what they want,
and go after it,
without hesitation--
or at least, they don't let it stop them.

And find accomplishment as their reward.


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