Friday, January 26, 2018

A Reader's Time: January with Robbie Pink

I'm thrilled to host Robbie Pink on my first invitational posts about readers in my life. Robbie's been a Facebook friend for a while now, and I always enjoy interacting with her. Enjoy her interview!

Tell us a little about yourself, what your hobbies are and where you live.

I am a mother of three and have also raised a granddaughter. Due to various health reasons, I no longer work outside the home.
  • I’m a voracious reader, and being an inveterate insomniac helps me, as I do a lot of my reading late at night and in the wee hours of the morning. This year I have fallen below my average of 300 books for the year. 
  • I love to bake and cook. 
  • My favorite time of year is the holidays, not only for the obvious reasons but also because with the colder weather, I begin baking! 

I currently live in Alabama, about halfway between Birmingham and Atlanta. I never in my wildest dreams expected to live in Alabama! Especially not for as long as I have! I lived in over 60 cities (some more than once) in the US before I was 14. I have lived in a total of more than 40 states!
Wow, that's a lot of states, Robbie! We've visited a lot, but only lived in one. Which books do you enjoy the most, and why?
Choosing a favorite book or type of book is almost as hard for me as picking a favorite child. In other words, impossible! I have always loved historical fiction and still do. History has always been fascinating to me. Knowing the people and their stories give verve and excitement to a novel about historical fiction, filling in the gaps and bringing it to life!
I have recently begun to read more contemporary novels and have learned to enjoy and appreciate them, too.

I so totally agree. Picking one is impossible! What book have you read that left an impression on you?
I read across the lines of so many genres, and each has its own great books. However, one book I read last year, Set Your Fields on Fire, by William Thornton, was a real eye-opener and call to churches but done in a semi-humorous and insightful way.

What are you currently reading?
Every room in my house, except the kitchen and bathroom, has a different book I'm reading. So, each room becomes that book’s room! For instance, my living room is from the Grace Chapel Inn Series-Sing a New Song, room. My dining room is the Crooked Path room. The other books I am reading are Holding the Fort, Stalking Willow (Amazing Grace Book 1), The Russian Series-A House Divided, and #Gospel.

Thanks for joining us today, Robbie!


Unknown said...

Enjoyed reading Robbie's interview.

Robbye said...


I don't know why but nothing on your blog showed up for me until today!

I have been checking every day. I thought perhaps I misunderstood and it was going to be printed February 26th. I'm so glad it finally showed up. (I have an OLD computer and it really gives me fits sometimes, it does so many WEIRD things!!!)

Thank you so much for the spotlight. I am so honored!

Have a great week!! <3 <3


Robbye said...

Thank you, Ann!


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