it and still keep your sanity? I mean, don't you have other responsibilities? Demands from a family you love? Activities that are either required, enjoyed or good for you?
Now, I've already shared about keeping a schedule for most days that helps me a lot, but that doesn't stop the unexpected from hitting me high and low. Like last week and this one. It was like a meteor shower with constant something coming up or interrupting my time. I managed to get most necessary things done, but when it came to writing these two weeks, I failed. Not nearly enough words were written. So...
Why have a schedule?
Because things will eventually calm down.
Life will flow evenly again.
Inspiration will hit, and I'll get those words written.
So the days that seem futile (in my writing) or wasted, really aren't. Right now, I choose to look at them as a time of resting, refreshing my spirit and mind, thinking, plotting and getting ready to write several more thousand words and quite a few more chapters.
The deadline I've set for this book is real, but I do believe I've got this, in spite of the interruptions.
I will finish this novel!!!
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