help keep us writers, and others too, in the best of shape.
1. If you work, make sure you enjoy what you're doing. Hating what you do is draining. And it's certainly not worth the taxing it takes on your mental and physical body.
2. Take care of your teeth. Not only does it help to give you a younger and healthier image, but it's better for your health. Brush. Floss. See your dentist regularly.
3. Watch what you eat. One thing that helps me is by remembering that it won't be the last time you can enjoy that favorite meal. Cut back a little. Eat more fruits and veggies. Lean meat. Limit sweets. I've recently cut back on ice cream, one of my very favorite snacks, by limiting how and when I eat it. I feel much better and don't miss it quite as much.
4. Drink plenty of water. It hydrates your body and keeps your system cleaned out. AND it's a great way to lose a few pounds. :)
5. Exercise regularly. Whatever method you choose, so so wisely and with a doctor's consent. Walking, cycling, weights, jogging, etc. are all great ways to wake up your brain and feel better.
7. Show your feelings: to your companion, to your friends and family, to those who wait on you in public, those who give to you in simple ways. A smile and a word of appreciation not only brightens up others' day but gives you a fulfilling moment too.
10. Take care of your body. Exfoliate your skin so that new skin cells can breathe. Get a short nap for extra energy in the evening. Go outside and walk a little. Be careful to avoid too many sweets. Use natural and pure oils (fish oil, rose, etc.) for inside and outside your body.
Do what you can to stay healthy. You only have one life. Take care of it.
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