Friday, November 29, 2019

Rambling Friday: Pondering Your Blessings

As usual, November turns our attention to the blessings in our lives. 

For myself, I'm ALWAYS thankful for my wonderful hubby and family, but today I want to focus on other things that have stood out to me recently. Below I list three important avenues I'm trying to take advantage of, to the best I can.

  1. Biblical truth that has spoken to me recently, either helping me understand some things I have previously been confused about or that have helped me draw closer to God, to trust him more fully and/or to learn to have confidence in his Word.
  2. Recognize that we've had a wonderful life in spite of hardships, problems, and other troubling situations. But God has gotten us through each thing and helped us to keep a positive attitude.
  3. Work and live like today is my last day on earth! We're not promised tomorrow, so I want to take advantage of every day, every hour I have to influence and encourage others to the best of my ability. 
If I can accomplish these three things I will feel rewarded and that I've done all I can do.
What blessings have influenced your life, that may have changed you this year?

Happy Thanksgiving!

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