Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Serious Wednesdays: When Life is Too Much at Christmas

Is there a busier time than at Christmas? Why do we think EVERYTHING has to be done? Let me tell you something...

It doesn't.

Several years ago, I came to realize that I just could not do everything, go everywhere, be everything. Something had to give. So...

I decided we would not do everything, go everywhere, be everything. We (Me, mostly) would choose and pick. And I did. Those things that were the most important to us is what we would do. The places we most want to enjoy (that's the keyword there: enjoy), we would go. And we would not allow ourselves to be roped into doing all things.

It's been so-o-o much easier and happier these past few years. And, yes, things and people ask (or demand) and sometimes we have to give a little, but on the whole, we've worked to keep Christmas and December simpler and happier.

Here's' a few tips that may help you to enjoy Christmas a whole lot more:  
  1. Consider...what do you and your family really enjoy in December? Make a list of those events you and your family specifically appreciate. Do not add anything you feel obligated to attend.
  2. On a second list, list only those things that are "have-to's." Look over this list and cross out anything you can possibly NOT attend. 
  3. What home activities do you and your family particularly love doing in December? Camping? Skiing? Walking through a winter wonderland? Playing games? Putting the tree up together? Don't add anything that is just "have-to's."
  4. Decorating your home, baking, cooking, other at-home things you've always done. List anything that can pertain to this list.
  5. Now, go back over these three lists and carefully consider each one. This is important and you don't want to allow that mentality of obligation to push you into leaving even one item on your list you can do without. What ONE thing can you cross off? Remember, this is your chance to pare down those overwhelming chores you're dreading. If you can possibly find two on each list to cross off--well done!

The idea is to have lists that are easily doable, fun or very important to you and yours. December shouldn't be a stressful and exhausting month. Enjoying and celebrating Christmas should be peaceful, relaxing and fun. Don't allow it to become the most dreadful period of your life!

Happy Christmas!

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