Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Morniing Sunshine: Inspiration

What If?

What if for one day,
we all committed to share 
a silent blessing 
with each person we met?

A positive thought,
a surge of good energy,
wish for well being?
A prayer?

How might it change THAT person's life
how might it change YOU
your day,
your life?

Think about it! 


Arlene said...

That would be great. Everyone should do that.We would see a huge difference in this world.

Caroline said...

You're so right, Arlene. Miss you guys. Take care ands stay in touch. Think of you often.

Sunday Morning Sunshine: Autumn's Bright Blue Weather

 Autumn's Bright Blue Weather --Helen Hunt Jackson O suns and skies and clouds of June, And flowers of June together, Ye cannot rival fo...