For years, I lived haphazardly, meaning I did my chores and writing when and if I felt like it. But now, when a friend shared something she'd found--simple and easy with no strong strings attached--I've grown to love it and use it almost every day.
I call it Carole's Chore & Word Crawl, and no, I didn't develop it. I fill in the list with the date, several daily chores that I normally complete in a day, plus writing goals, etc. then at the bottom I include a record of my successful writing goals.
For me, that's a beneficial thing. Here are a few reasons why I do it and why it's good for me:
* I can schedule tasks and small writing goals intermittently throughout the day.
* I can keep track of how well (or not) I'm doing on my writing.
* I can balance it so that I'm not working on writing all day nor doing chores all day without breaks.
* I can include whatever I want in this list.
* I know that sometimes I won't complete everything that's on my list, and that's okay.
* It gives me a confidence boost to sign off in the evening, knowing I've given it my best shot.
* And because I know I've been so successful at this so many times, I can forgive myself when I don't do so well now and then.
* It's simple and easy to schedule every day.
* Plus there are days when I'm traveling, too many out-of-the-home events where a list is not feasible.
Here's an example of what I may use on my list every day and remember each day may vary, depending on what I need to get done that day. Word counts usually exceed what I've suggested. Some chores may not get completed, and that's okay. I'll add them the next day or work it in some way.
Carole's Chore and Word Crawl
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Rise, shower, dress, 30 mins:
Devotions, 40 mins:
Breakfast, 30 mins:
Make bed, 5 mins:
Open/delete email:
Social Media work:
Write 100 words:
Sweep, 30 mins:
Write 100 words:
Put clothes in the washer, 10 mins:
Write 100 words:
Do 1 blog post:
Write 100 words:
Word goal for the day: (However much you'd like to complete that day)
Word count for the day:
Overall word count:
That's just a short example of my schedule. Some days don't get a schedule, but most days I do. I don't always complete everything, but usually enough that I feel the satisfaction of a day well completed. Try it and see...
And best wishes!
For a long time, I gave up on schedules. I would either make them unattainable or use the time schedule idea: 9-10am write...on it went. I failed at both because they didn't have any flexibility. I now keep a schedule that is not only more realistic but also isn't rigidly time-oriented.
One thing that helps immensely is to evaluate/adjust my schedule after lunch. That allows me to take into account the unforseen interruptions (good and bad) and greatly helps my sense of satisfaction at the end of the day. Sometimes, the most important task of the day is to grab the opportunity to spend precious time with a friend or family member I don't get to see very often.
Sherry! that's perfect. I don't want a schedule where I feel bad every day, in and out. I want something that helps me keep track of what I want to accomplish, yet allows me some leeway when life interrupts, and that's okay. Interruptions are part of my life, and sometimes those interruptions are pleasant things. Thanks for commenting!
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