Friday, December 31, 2021

Rambling Friday: Celebrating on Christmas Day or Another Day?

 I love celebrating Christmas!
More to the point, I love celebrating Christmas with my family...and friends. 
We've celebrated Christmas on Christmas Day, on Christmas Eve Day, and even another day.
But who cares? 

This year, we'll be celebrating on New Year's Eve Day with family. 
And I don't mind at all. 
We've been busy.
It also gave me more time to gather what I wanted to give, 
prepare for dinner
and prepare for the meal. 

What matters to me, is being with my family,
whenever we can. 

And isn't that what it's all about?
Celebrating Christ's birth together, whenever?
with love?
and happiness? makes the celebration easier on me...

1 comment:

Gail said...

I'm with you, Carole! As long as my family is with me, nothing else matters. Merry Christmas, my friend. <3

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