Friday, September 06, 2019

Rambling Friday: Our Failed Harvest

Oh, yeah, we're not much of a gardener family for several reasons.

Let me be clear, We love planting and having a garden so that's not the problem.

But what is the problem is:

  • pesky wild animals (like deer and rabbits and who knows what else) who also like eating food they've not worked for
  • busyness.
You see, we live a busy life with work, travel, ministry, family, and just plain life. We love being busy, but sometimes...things get a little too busy. That's where the problem comes in with gardening. Weeds don't get pulled. Watering is skimpy when we forget because we're gone or on the run with work. 

Then there are the wild animals who think we live here to feed them. If they're not eating our broccoli, they're feasting on whatever else looks tempting. Keeping them out is nearly impossible. Somehow they find a way. And probably laugh each time their supper is over--at our expense, of course. 

We have good intentions. We really want a garden and the produce from it. We love fresh produce and the satisfaction of eating the fruit of our gardening labors.

So there you have it. The two big reasons we seldom have much success at gardening. 
But then, there's next year. Maybe we'll give it a shot. After all, we have all year to plan how to succeed! 

Happy day! 

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